segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2011

O êxodo judeu de Malmö

A muito tempo temos publicado sobre a acelerada fuga dos judeus da Suécia. O êxodo é mais perceptível na cidade de Malmö, que possui a maior população muçulmana da Suécia. A violência e as ameaças contra os judeus tornaram-se comuns, o que tem causado a saída dos judeus da região, especialmente os mais jovens.

O que ocorre em Malmö é um reflexo da situação de toda a Europa. O vídeo abaixo, mostra a perseguição que os judeus estão sofrendo no velho continente, o que tem feito com que migrem para Israel ou para os EUA.

Obs: Infelizmente não tenho tempo suficiente para providenciar a tradução do vídeo. Se alguém se dispuser, basta nos enviar que providencio a legenda do vídeo. Portanto, deixarei abaixo a transcrição completa em inglês.

Abaixo a transcrição:

0:00In certain European countries, we see a new kind of antisemitism appearing.
0:04With Muslim immigrants, that are extremely aggressive towards the Jews.
0:08The city of Malmö in Sweden...
0:12offers an example. While walking on the street...
0:16the Orthodox Jews was called “A dirty Jews that we had forgotten...
0:20to gas”. The hostility is such...
0:24that they do not dare show their religious identity in public.
0:28They trade the kippah for baseball caps. Others do not tolerate...
0:32this situation and turn their backs on Europe.
0:36Nina Troisner is spending her last few days in Malmö.
0:40Her last days in Malo, her native town, in the South of Sweden. This 21 year old Jew...
0:44abandoned her job as a teacher for preschoolers to go to...
0:48live in Israel. It’s a place where all the Jews...
0:52feel safe. It’s not the case...
0:56in Malmö. Here Jews are not accepted.
1:00She does not want to have us over to her family’s home
1:04My family are afraid
1:08to be noticed.
1:12Everything you do here, you take a risk.
1:16Nina and her family are afraid of the Muslims of Malmö, that they perceive as violent.
1:20At first glance, this may appear as excessive in a country as tolerant as Sweden
1:242 years ago, during this event, related to the war in Gaza, the young girl...
1:28was witness to a scene that profoundly marked her. Muslims attacked the Jews...
1:32the police told us that we had to abort the demonstration ...
1:36“we cannot protect you. Disperse yourselves”
1:40It should have been the others that should have been dispersed, not us.
1:44That was the last straw.
1:48It was the drop that made the water spill over. Here...
1:52the situation is just getting worse.
1:56Them, there are more and more, and we are less and less.
2:00In Malmö
2:04More and more Muslims come to Friday prayer. Amongst them...
2:08Some from Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Palestine.
2:12We do not find fundamentalists that hunt Jews
2:16We are told that they pray in caves. They meet...
2:20Alah aldin Al Qud. This refugee is seeking refuge from Palestine.
2:24Is a member of a municipal forum that has a vocation dialogue and reconciliation...
2:28between Jews and Muslims.
2:32Some Jews condemn all Muslims as one.
2:36We find the same behavior amongst Muslims that consider Jews...
2:40all Israelis. We try to fight this prejudice.
2:44And incorrect imagery. But every time ...
2:48the conflict in the middle-East inflames itself, in Rosengaard the spirits...
2:52heats up against the Jews. Here the Muslims are a majority...
2:56They represent 1/6th of the population of Malmö which is 50,000 people...
3:01against a Jewish community that has 700 members.
3:05Their president, Fred Kam, shows us a full security arsenal
3:09The entry of the neighborhood that has a peaceful image is watched by ...
3:13camera. All these are financed by the Jewish community.
3:17For a year now, the aggressive antisemitism is diminishing in Malmö.
3:21Nina no longer wants to live in this climate.
3:25“I understand it to a degree.”
3:29“But we would like our youth to stay here in Malmö”
3:33Our political people do not take risks
3:37they are clearly on the Muslim side.
3:41...on this matter.
3:45There was antisemitism in my youth but when an incident...
3:49happens, all society supported us.
3:53and this is what Nina is displeased with. She does not accept that the Mayor of Malmö...
3:57by saying, “the Jews should take distance from Israeli politics...”
4:01...this would attenuate the anger of the antisemite aggressors.
4:09Nina says goodbye to her friends.
4:13“I will never come back to Malmö”
4:17Easy to say when you are young.
4:21The fact is, many Jews no longer feel safe in Europe.
4:25They want to emigrate.
4:29The detractor...
4:33leaving means giving reason to the antisemitism. They do not have to put up...
4:37with all that hostility. We estimate that 30 families have...
4:41left Sweden. Most have gone to Israel...
4:45or have gone to the USA. The 2 countries that have the most Jews in the world.
4:49Which is a total of 10 million. It wasn’t always like this.
4:53It’s mainly a consequence of the holocaust, but also the expulsion of Jews...
4:57from Eastern Europe. To see more clearly, here are the numbers.
5:01With close to 10 M Jews...
5:05Europe was the religious and cultural center of Judaism untill 1939
5:09The majority lived in Poland and Russia
5:13The Holocaust killed 6M also ...
5:17many fled, where expelled and this continued even after WW2
5:21Today Europe shelters only...
5:251.5M Jews.
5:29The biggest community, half a million, is in France.
5:33Only Israel and the U.S. ...
5:37have more 300,000 are in England
5:41120,000 in Germany...
5:45Everywhere in Europe ...
5:49the Jewish communities are shrinking.
5:53In [Auverre] known as Jerusalem of the North...
5:5720,000 Jews that are living near 300,000 Muslims
6:01The diamond trade is no longer in Jewish hands
6:06but in the hands of Indian families.

Fonte: Gates of Vienna - Vídeo: Vlad Tepes blog

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Com todo o amor do Islã, a religião de paz!

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